About Us

The Anglia Region has many wonderful club sites and Certified Locations for everyone to enjoy.

If you prefer to take advantage of rallies with your local centre there is a varied programme with all centres across the region. To take advantage of the wide range of activities offered at centre rallies you do need to be a member, you can join online by visiting the Caravan Club’s website or at many of the caravan dealers. The Centres publish new rally programmes each year, they cater for families of all ages. Feel free to browse through the Centres Programmes by visiting their dedicated websites which can be found on the Centres section.


The Anglia Region has many wonderful club sites and Certified Locations for everyone to enjoy.

As a member of the Caravan Club you are part of a very large and successful  organisation. The Club can help you to get more use and enjoyment out of your caravan.  If you as a member, have a point to make, a query, a suggestion, a comment or a criticism, the first point of contact could well be the Anglia Region Council.  All you have to do is write to the Secretary whose address appears in the members handbook or email the address on this web site.

Maybe you have a comment on a Certified Location (C.L.), or a Club site, the Club collection, the Magazine, etc.  If you have something to say please contact the Regional Council.

If you prefer to take advantage of rallies with your local centre there is a varied programme with all centres across the region. To take advantage of the wide range of activities offered at centre rallies you do need to be a member, you can join online by visiting the Caravan Club’s website or at many of the caravan dealers. The Centres publish new rally programmes each year, they cater for families of all ages. Feel free to browse through the Centres Programmes by visiting their dedicated websites which can be found on the Centres section.


Anglia Region Caravan Club | December 2015

At a meeting of the Club Council (January 1995)   a proposal to restructure the Council was put forward.  It was decided that the Country would be divided into 10 Regions, each with a Regional Council. These Regional Councils would elect delegates to sit on a restructured Club Council.  This Regional structure began on 1 January 1996.

Aims of the Anglia Region Council

In accordance with the Constitution, the aims of the Anglia Region Council are:

To represent general matters of Club or Centre interest to the Club Council.

To provide a means whereby the Caravan Club interests of those members living in the area may be fostered.

To provide a forum to discuss and solve local problems at Regional level.

Clearly the Anglia Region Council has a very broad brief which covers a wide range of topics.  The Regional Council is made up of extremely knowledgeable members. Usually matters or questions raised can be resolved at a regional level. It is sometimes necessary to seek advice from the Executive Committee or the staff at East Grinstead.  This means that every member of the Club can use a Regional Council to access all levels of the Club management structure.

Anglia Region Council Activities

Since it began, the Council has met regularly to discuss and where necessary, resolve matters of  interest to regional members.  These meetings are held in the week prior to each Club Council meeting.  This enables items to be raised by the three Regional Delegates at the Club Council meeting.  Other  Regional Council meetings are held as required.

Each year an AGM is held in November to elect the Officers, approve the accounts and to receive reports on the Council’s activities.  The AGM is open to all members of the Club (as described previously). The call notice usually appears in the July issue of the magazine.  All members are welcome and caravan parking is arranged near the meeting room.  The venue changes each year and rotates around the Region.

Other events that have been held include an Open Forum, Members Question Time and Meet the members events at Dealers and on Club sites.  Social events with associated rallies, dinner dance, Thames River trips and visits to the Houses of Parliament, encourage members to come along and provide opportunities to discuss the future of their Club and the shape and ways ahead.

All members within the Region can attend any event organised by the Regional Council.